Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Didn’t make any special plans for today, though I did manage to take pics of my meals today.

St. Patrick's Day Eats

Breakfast: Overnight Swiss muesli: soaked rolled oats in almond milk, cinnamon, chopped nectarine and papaya, sunflower seeds and dried cranberries.

St. Patrick's Day Eats

Lunch: Blended “leftovers” soup: I blended some sauteed wakame, gobo, broccoli with stock and some nooch in my Blendtec and made a pretty tasty soup. And it turned out to be green too! With a piece of cornbread for dunking and half a roasted sweet potato.

St. Patrick's Day Eats

Dinner: Nasty looking instant vegan tamale soup. I microwaved this too much and it turned out looking like this. But it still tasted pretty good, especially after I doused it in Chipotle Tabasco. But I’m of the camp that feels that everything tastes better doused in hot sauce..

Mundane, I know. But I like finding joy in the mundane.

It’s been over 80F here in Southern California; combined with the longer daytime hours, it’s been making me unexpectedly energetic/awake lately. I usually feel like I’m walking in clouds all during winter (I have this theory the cold freezes my brain); so it’s refreshing to actually feel like I’m wide awake. I don’t know if I’m just imagining it but even during my daily walk, everything actually seems to look sharper and clearer; the leaves and flowers just have sharper edges and the colors are brighter.

The only bad thing about this is that it makes it extremely difficult to fall asleep at night.

Pinjing Written by:


  1. Daisy

    that breakfast was nothing close to mundane. you drink a lot of soups!

  2. 2010/03/18

    Haha, that’s true! I just realized that every single meal yesterday was a type of “soup.” But then again, I find that liquidy meals are much easier for me to digest.

  3. 2010/03/18

    You have the best meals I believe…my tummy is so rumbling. It’s definitely dinner time here!

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